Thursday 14 October 2010

A few discoveries

This is yet another university project. I'll keep a journal of things i discovered about the game industry that i didn't know untill i looked into books and websites.

It's only been recent that the video game industry has began to rival the film industry with sales and consumer spending. In the united states in 2002 sales reached $6.5 billion in sales. in 2003 this escalated to $7 billion so on and so fourth.

Many games are improved or redesigned based on consumer feedback. this has shown to increase the quality of most games after playtesting. Many bugs or problems that prevent the player from fully enjoying the game can be found out before release. However playtesting has not always been so simple. Many earlier games were changed due to consumer surveys and focus groups that would quiz on how regular audiences recieve games. This would cause problems in that only certain parts of the game could be focused on and there would still be issues in other areas of the production.

This information was gathered from

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